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Monday, September 20, 2010

Don't Worry Be Happy

Eisha Sarkar
Posted on Hello Wellness on Sep 20 2010 1:13AM

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.” Well, like most things Gandhi had said, this too has been confined to the history books as well. You worry about marks in school, admissions to colleges of your choice, job interviews, pay scales, finding the right partner, approaching deadlines, shrinking budgets, rising taxes, inflation and so on.

You worry for hours and hours of invaluable time that you are never going to get back again. Every system in your body is affected by worry. It raises your blood pressure, increases blood-clotting and can prompt your liver to produce more cholesterol, which can raise the risk of heart attack and stroke. Muscle tension gives rise to headaches and back pain. Worry may slow or speed up muscle contractions in the intestines, giving you stomach aches, constipation, diarrhoea, gas or heartburn. It can also bring on rash and can aggravate asthma. And too much of it all the time can you so weak that you fall prey to bacteria, viruses and even cancer.

It's not easy when someone tells you to stop worrying. You try to distract yourself but your mind keeps racing back to the object of worry. Intead,

Identify the stinger

Zero in on the cause of worry. You may not be assessing the situation correctly, and find yourself engrossed, thinking about possibilities, which may not happen. Adopt a realistic approach and analyse the situation in totality. It may help you deal with the worry more effectively. Identify the distressful and worrisome thoughts, and list down few positive substitution statements.

Control your thoughts

When you have negative thoughts, consciously issue the command “Stop!”  Then, try to replace the negative thoughts with more realistic and positive feelings and ideas.

Be optimistic

Hope for the best. Having a positive attitude can do wonders, and prevent you from the getting obsessed and worried. As the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the worst. Identify the worst case scenario, how likely it will happen and start working towards improving it.

Jot them down

Write down your worries and tackle them one at a time. The key is to plan well and have realistic expectations. Having trust in yourself can help you handle the situation in a much better way. People who have leisure to bother tend to be more miserable. When you feel that you are worrying unnecessarily, try to distract yourself by calling up a friend, cleaning the room, taking the dog for a walk, reading a book or paper.

Ask for support

It can be quite beneficial to have a support group, but when talking to your friends, do not exaggerate things. The way you internalise the situation directly affects the level of stress or worry you experience.


Meditation is now becoming popular on how to stop worrying, and find relaxation. There are many forms of meditative practices, and you can choose based on your need and time available. Few people also find strength in spirituality that helps them stop worrying. Staying rested can also help deal with situation in a better way.

Work those muscles
Exercise is a fantastic way to relieve stress, burn calories, decrease depression and work toward wellness. If you are always on the run and find little time for exercising, then try doing this simple relaxation exercise. All you have to do is lie down straight on the bed or on a mat on the floor. Keep your body relaxed and still. Now imagine tension moving out and down your body muscles. Imagine that all your tension has finally escaped out of your body through your feet and into the ground. This relaxation technique requires just few minutes and brings about instant sense of well-bring.

Do not binge on fries, soft drinks and chocolates to make the worry go away. They may give you momentary relief but will add to your woes by piling on those calories. Instead, think ahead and think positive and worry will make you sorry no more!

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