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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Workout High!

Eisha Sarkar
Posted on Hello Wellness on Oct 6 2010 7:38PM

You've had a stressful day at work and you just want to relax. You down a few pegs and suddenly feel like you can take on the world. And then you wake up the next morning, feeling dehydrated and even more miserable. For all the good that alcohol does temporarily, it is not healthy. So what do you do?

Forget the bar, head for the gym
Need a high? Grab a dumbbell instead of a beer can. Like alcohol, exercise stimulates the pituitary gland in the brain to release endorphins. These morphine-like hormones enter the brain's neurons and park on receptors that normally send pain-signaling molecules back to other parts of the brain. Some say endorphins are even more powerful and yield a more euphoric feeling than even morphine and opium, which park on the same receptors when introduced to the body. The more intense the workout, the more endorphins your body produces. Do it thrice a week, and you’ll be on a high!

Work out to reduce stress

Alcohol is a depressant and offers only temporary relief to stress. That explains the hangover. It also gives you stomach cramps and a host of other problems. Instead, a 30-minute workout produces endorphins, provides more oxygen to your organs and muscles and makes you feel better about yourself. Exercise also helps you sleep more soundly. Could there be a better stress-buster?

Watch what you eat
A peg of whiskey doesn't go down well without some crunchy snacks or peanuts to accompany it. That means more calories with every sip of alcohol you take. By working out in the evening, you may actually be able to regulate the amount of food you eat at dinner. You’ll think of how many more crunches you’ll have to do to burn off that extra helping of butter chicken!

Is evening a good time to exercise?
Research shows that afternoon 3 pm to 7 pm is the best time to exercise. For most people, the body temperature and hormone levels peak at 6 pm. Exercising three hours before or after the peak will give your best workout for both endurance and building muscle. You may be able to work out harder or faster in the afternoon or early evening.

You may say that pouring a drink to help you relax is way easier than running on a treadmill. It certainly is. But then being healthy does take some effort, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really nice articles on this blog-will follow in future- Thanks