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Sunday, August 4, 2024


A few years ago, I faced one of the worst crises in my life to the point where I was too depressed to talk to anyone and had shut down completely. Then, one day, a friend I had been avoiding talking to sent me a message, "Don't be silly. We cannot stop doing what we want to or what we have to do." And it hit me hard enough to get me out of the stupor and walk another path. I am blessed to have friends like that. Mirrors and shadows. They've walked with me through life keeping to their parallel paths, merging with mine at the crossroads where Distance and Time stand still for a moment or two and we set off again. Those who know me well, know I don't do mush but this Friendship Day, I'd like to tell you all that I am very grateful to all of you for being part of my life. #FriendshipDay2024 #friendship

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