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Friday, December 15, 2023

Making Birds Count - The Growing Intersectionality of Animal, Human and Artificial Intelligence in Citizen Science

What do you do when you count birds while waiting to drop off and pick up your child from school for over a year? You write your first academic paper in 20 years and present it at the National Conference on Managing People, Planet and Profit at Navrachana University. Considering the fact that my last academic paper two decades ago was a study of choreography in Hindi Cinema in 2005, the fact that I managed to produce a piece of scientific literature is a feat in itself. I have written in many different styles (poetry, prose, fiction, non-fiction, play, screenplay) but Making Birds Count - The growing intersectionality of animal, human and artificial intelligence with my own research and data will remain etched in my heart. I almost gave up presenting it after sitting through sessions with business school graduates, eminent economists and data analysts. But then, as the only independent researcher at a business school conference, I felt the birds needed a voice and I am thankful Navrachana University  provided the space. 

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