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Tuesday, May 21, 2024

37 leopards and more

37 leopards and more at the Jhalana forest museum in Jaipur. On the day of our visit, leopards attacked two of the safari guides in the wee hours of the morning so we were short of drivers and guides. Opened in 2018, Jhalana isn't a glamourous tourist spot in Jaipur as it's open only after 4.30 pm and sightings of the elusive cats happen usually at the end of the two-hour drives through dry deciduous forests in 44 degrees heat in the summer. We spotted two females. Unlike Ranthambore, other mammals are few, especially the black-faced baboons, the leopard's main prey. With 37 leopards in a small habitat it's a hard battle for territories and prey. We did find spotted deer, sambhar, neel gai and hares. With May starts the mating season of peacocks so they were all in their feathered glory, dancing and prancing, unfazed by the wildcats. 

#leopards #leopardsofindia #wildlife #wildcats #jaipur #rajasthantourism #nationalparks #conservation

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