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Sunday, September 19, 2010

10 Tips to Keep Cancer at Bay

Eisha Sarkar
Posted on Hello Wellness on Sep 18 2010 12:15AM

You wait helplessly. A war rages inside you. You've got your body blasted with radiation and chemicals to harness the tumours but they haven't stopped. Had you the money, you would have bombarded them with gold particles. Not that it would have helped much, but you still would have tried - anything to make the pain go away.  

Cancer is a nightmare for those suffer from it. So here are 10 small steps you can take to keep the deadly disease at bay:

Give up the C-stick
One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to quit smoking or never start. Also, avoid secondhand smoke exhaled from a smoker or a lit cigarette, pipe or cigar that contains more than 60 known carcinogens which interrupt normal cell development induce cancer.

Reduce fat in your diet
Keep your diet low in total fat and very low in saturated fats. Tumour cells need low density lipoproteins (LDL's) to grow. Therefore, a diet that helps to lower LDL levels could keep potentially cancerous cells from growing. Eating fat also stimulates the production of bile, which if left to stagnate in the large intestine for a long period of time, is converted into apcholic acid, a proven carcinogen. Your daily fat intake should be less than 20 per cent of your total food calories.

Cut the flabObesity is one of the leading risk factors for cancer, especially colorectal cancer. Increased fat tissue also raises circulating estrogen levels, which increase the risk of breast cancer. Obese men have a higher rate of prostate cancer. Stay lean by exercising 30 minutes a day, five days a week and maintaining healthy eating habits.

Increase fiberFiber from whole grains, fruits and vegetables moves potential carcinogens through the intestines faster, decreasing the contact time between carcinogens and the intestinal wall. Fiber also absorbs bile acids, keeping them from acting on bacteria to produce fecapentanes, the cancerous substances that are formed by decaying foods within the colon. Eat at least 25 grams of fiber a day.

Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetablesPlants contain phytochemicals such as phenols, indols, flavones, cumines, and isothiocyanates, which are natural blocking agents against carcinogens. Eating cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli could lower your risk of breast and colon cancer by 40 per cent.  Beta carotene from sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins and spinach can block the growth of potentially cancerous cells. Tomatoes contain lycopene, which enhances the absorption and utilisation of beta carotene, so eating tomatoes with beta carotene-rich foods provides an added boost.

Switch from red meat to seafood Eating red meat and processed meats is highly associated with increased risk of colon cancer. Instead, try fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Practice safe sex
Unsafe sex can result in the infection of the human papillomairus (HPV), a known cause for cervical cancer. HIV/AIDS is also associated with some types of cancers, namely Kaposi's sarcoma.

Reduce alcohol consumptionDrinking excessive amounts of alcohol regularly increases your risk of cancer. Men who consume two alcoholic drinks per day and women who have one alcoholic drink per day significantly increase their risk factors for certain types of cancer.

Pack in antioxidantsVitamin C and E lower the risk of cancer by protecting the membrane of intestinal cells and preventing free-radical reactions in the body. Supplement your diet with these vitamins.

Increase calcium intakeCalcium controls the multiplication of epithelial cells lining the colon. When these cells proliferate at a fast rate, the risk of cancer increases. Calcium also binds cancer-producing bile acids and keeps them from irritating the colon wall. To lower your risk of colorectal cancer, consider taking between 500 and 1,000 milligrams of calcium carbonate or calcium citrate daily. Best sources of calcium are dairy products, such as yogurt, and bony fish.

Nearly one-third of the cancers are diet-related and by consuming foods rich in vitamins, fiber and low in fat, you can actually reduce your risk of cancer. But the best diet will be effective only if your mind is at ease. Reduce stress in your life and you'll keep cancer away.

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