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Sunday, October 1, 2023

Forgive Thy Enemies

Through this course I have learned to see my adversaries in new light. People like me turned into my enemies because their beliefs and goals differed from mine. As a peace builder and someone who has worked with people seeking asylum from places such as Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan, I have seen my fair share of hatred from those who didn't want others to leave or didn't want the refugees to settle into their new homelands. But my most formidable adversary is someone who has had a similar background as mine, except for religion. And though religion isn't the reason why we have fought, it's his 'escape' from having to own up to his misdeeds. "It wasn't me but god's will," is the defence of a coward. I had no compassion left for him. But during the compassion call last week, Tim Harrison mentioned how the Dalai Lama asked the audience to pray for Tibet's enemies because they will have to live with the memory of the atrocities they perpetrated. I started thinking and I forgave my adversary. Then, I forgave the trolls.

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