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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Where do you get your books from?

You feature The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks in your reading journey and the Oliver Sacks Foundation gets in touch with you providing you with resources about more of his works. 😆

People have asked me where I get my books from for my reading challenge that takes me through 50-60 books a year. 

Well, some you buy. 

Many are gifted by authors, editors and friends (especially those cleaning out their houses). 

Amazon has taken into consideration that you have rated over 200 books over a decade and so they give you more variety in free Prime Reading. 

The British Council Library helps you look for and source rare books. 

You exchange books with people. 

You are a regular at a children's book club at Crossword so you get to exchange your child's old books with new titles when they have the programme. 

You've inherited a huge collection through your extended family. 

And you sift through Books by Box/Kilo sales to grab great deals on coffee table books on design and art.

#books #bookoholic #readingcommunity #readers #authors #publishers #bookrecommendations 

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